Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Blog Post 5/24

1) Title, Author and Genre
2) A short summary of the book and why you liked or did not like it.
3) In your comment (not on your blog) suggest a good summer read for your classmates and/or Max and Sam!

Please post your blog by Tuesday at 11:00pm. Make sure to read several other's blogs and write comments for five classmates.

Here's the code to link up!
<a href="url">text</a>

Max and Sam


  1. Replies
    1. Also, a good summer read would be the Throne of Glass. Or the Hunger Games if you haven't read it yet.

  2. Thing Explaining!
    What If and Thing Explainer for sure, but also The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian. If your parents or younger siblings aren't reading over your shoulder.

  3. Tracks A good book for this summer is Dash and Lily's Book of Dares

  4. more people starve in a game

    This may or may not work, as I am doing this from my phone.

    Summer Read- One Piece by Eichiro Oda! It's a summer read so I can recommend a manga without getting a hairy eyeball, and plus, it'll take you all summer to read all of it! (No seriously, it's 826 chapters as of last I checked)

    1. If you were wondering, One Piece is about pirates with superpowers. It's actually really good, so don't get fooled by my three word summary.

  5. Most Dangerous
    Sorry my blog post is so long - I didn't realize I was writing so much
    Also, a good summer book is Symphony for the City of the Dead, because it is a long book and people tend to have a lot of time in the summer.

  6. WaqWaq Read Soon
    I will be Invincible!

  7. The Scorch Trials WOOOOOO LAST BOOK BLOG OF THE YEAR!!!!!
    Read Unbroken or Ready Player One

  8. No and Me Yay last book blog! and read Forgive Me, leopard Peacock because it was really good

    1. Leopard? huh. Who knew someone could be called a leopard.

  9. The Graveyard Book Wings Of Fire- a blog of the first book can be found here.

  10. The Wave Seveneves is a good long summer book for anyone who likes Sci-Fi. Read my blog about it to learn more. (I'm willing to give it to anyone who WILL give it back)

  11. Scorpia LAST BOOK BLOG OF THE YEAR!!!!!!!! - read into thin air by Jon Krakaur

  12. Hunger Games 3
    Summer Read: The Penderwicks In Spring
