Monday, November 23, 2015

Poem to Be Read at 3am

Here's the poem we read in class today:

Poem to Be Read at 3 A.M.
By Donald Justice
Excepting the diner
On the outskirts
The town of Ladora
At 3am
Was dark but
For my headlights
And up in
One second-story room
A single light
Where someone
Was sick or
Perhaps reading
As I drove past
At seventy
Not thinking
This poem
Is for whoever
Had the light on.

Please comment on this post with a link to the poem you wrote by Thanksgiving. Remember, your poems are meant to be a reflection on our walk today and/or on this Thanksgiving week. Take a look at your classmates' poetry as it's posted, and comment on some of their contributions as well.

Link: <a href="url">text</a>

Book Blog - Tuesday December 1st

Hello all and Happy Thanksgiving!

This blog is for the two weeks before Thanksgiving, or the weeks of Nov 16 and Nov 23. Make sure to post one book for the two weeks. You may post two books if you want but it does not put you a week ahead.

1) Title and Author
2) A short summary of the book
3) The genre of the next book group you'd like to participate in and WHY?

Please post your blog by Tuesday at 11:00pm. Make sure to read several other's blogs and write comments for five classmates.

Here's the code to link up!
<a href="url">text</a>


Max and Sam

Saturday, November 14, 2015

November 17th Book Blog - Book Recommendations

Hello all,

A lot of you (or your parents) have brought up that you are looking for new books to read and may be running out of ideas. Write a genre of book you would like to explore and any books you have enjoyed in that genre. When you read other people's posts, please give them ideas for new titles to read in your comments to their blog.

1) Title and Author
2) A short summary of the book
3) Give ideas for books for your classmates to read in your comments to their blogs.

Please post your blog by Tuesday at 11:00pm. Make sure to read several other's blogs and write comments for five classmates.

Here's the code to link up!
<a href="url">text</a>


Max and Sam

Monday, November 9, 2015

Book Blog - Due Tuesday 11/10

Hello all,

1) Title and Author
2) A short summary of the book and any warnings or recommendations.

Please post your blog by Tuesday at 11:00pm. Make sure to read several other's blogs and write comments for five classmates.

Here's the code to link up!
<a href="url">text</a>


Max and Sam