Monday, December 14, 2015

Last Book Blog of 2015!

Hello all,

1) Title and Author
2) A short summary of the book and why you liked or did not like it.
3) What book(s) you expect or hope to read over WinterBreak? Like a TBR ya know?

Please post your blog by Tuesday at 11:00pm. Make sure to read several other's blogs and write comments for five classmates.

Here's the code to link up!
<a href="url">text</a>


Max and Sam

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

First Slice of Life! Due Wednesday December 9th

Welcome to your first slice of life of the year!

A slice of life is when the writer describes an everyday experience with great detail and thought. Sometimes it connects in bigger way to the writer's world and in other entries, it is like a snapshot, capturing a moment in time.

Write your Slices of Life on the same blog that you write your book blogs on. Make sure the SOL or Slice of Life is in the title. Then, link up the same way in the comments section. Try to give an idea in the comment that describes what your blog is about. Last, read and write comments on ten blogs this week.

Happy Slicing!
Max and Sam

Blog Post (Sorry it's late) Tuesday December 8

Hello all,

1) Title and Author
2) A short summary of the book and why you liked or did not like it.

Please post your blog by Tuesday at 11:00pm. Make sure to read several other's blogs and write comments for five classmates.

Here's the code to link up!
<a href="url">text</a>


Max and Sam